Next time you log into your Yahoo! Store manager, you will be presented with a pop-up displaying information about an update to the way credit card numbers are displayed within your store’s Order Manager.
Previously, only the last 4 digits of credit card numbers were displayed on the detailed order information page for individual orders. The rollout of this update now includes the last 4 digits in addition to the first six as seen below:
This change is immediate and has rolled out to all stores. As the release note states, the addition of the first 6 digits of the credit card does not affect PCI compliance and does not impact the way orders are placed or received.
Scott Sanfilippo began his eCommerce journey in 1994 by co-founding one of the Internet’s first online retailers,, which was acquired by PetCo in 2006. In 2001, he co-founded the eCommerce design and marketing firm Solid Cactus, which was acquired by in 2009. Today, Scott is the General Manager of Your Store Wizards and lives in Delray Beach, FL. Scott can be contacted at