April 10, 2020
First off, all of us at Your Store Wizards hope that you, your family, and your employees are healthy and staying strong under these unprecedented circumstances.
It goes without saying that the COVID-19 crisis has changed the way we go about our daily lives and how we conduct business. We know that the eCommerce community is not immune to the challenges the Corona Virus is creating.
In times of uncertainty, we often turn to those in similar circumstances to share stories, offer advice, and rally together in the hope that we emerge stronger and better than ever. On Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 1:00pm ET, Your Store Wizards will host a virtual meet-up for eCommerce store owners to do just that.
We’re inviting you to join us and fellow store owners in an informal setting to discuss COVID-19 related business topics such as:
- What you’re doing to combat a decrease in sales.
- Your experience with applying for financial aid under the CARES Act.
- Employee related issues such as furloughs and layoffs.
- Whether or not you changed your company’s marketing strategy.
The roundtable-type discussion will be moderated by myself and our founder, Don Cole. However, the topics will be driven by YOU and we encourage each attendee to actively participate in the conversation.
By hosting this meet-up, we hope that store owners can share information and experiences that can be a benefit for others.
Please use the form below to register, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Scott Sanfilippo
General Manager
P.S. This is a capacity-limited event. Your Store Wizards will make every attempt to include as many as possible. If demand exceeds our capacity, a second event will be scheduled.
Scott Sanfilippo began his eCommerce journey in 1994 by co-founding one of the Internet’s first online retailers, TheFerretStore.com, which was acquired by PetCo in 2006. In 2001, he co-founded the eCommerce design and marketing firm Solid Cactus, which was acquired by web.com in 2009. Today, Scott is the General Manager of Your Store Wizards and lives in Delray Beach, FL. Scott can be contacted at scott@yourstorewizards.com.