Important Information Regarding Turbify PCI Compliance

If your eCommerce store is running on the Turbify platform, you’ll be required to make some changes to certain files in your store to remain PCI-compliant. While this isn’t something that needs to be done today, Turbify will begin notifying users that they will need to complete these updates in early 2025.

What needs to be updated?
If you have JavaScript that is loaded on any of your checkout pages, you or your developer, will need to insert a hash key into the script, otherwise you may fail a PCI-compliance audit.

What is a hash key?
In the simplest terms, a JavaScript hash key is typically used to enhance security when handling sensitive information such as payment card details. It’s used to transform sensitive data into a fixed-size string of characters, which is typically a hash code. This helps in protecting sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, by ensuring that even if data is intercepted, it cannot be used in its original form.

What kind of JavaScript might I have on my checkout pages?
It all depends, but nearly every store has some type of JavaScript that needs to be looked at and either confirmed to already contain a hash key, or be modified to include one. Simple things like code to collect reviews, or tracking scripts, may need to be updated.

Your Store Wizards placed code in my checkout, will it be updated automatically?
Yes… and no! If you have any of the paid services from Your Store Wizards listed below, we will automatically update the scripts for you at no charge. Clients with these services will be contacted once updates on our end are ready to be deployed to have a day/time scheduled and to confirm store access.

  • Checkout Wizard
  • Google Reviews
  • Conversion Wizard
  • Magic Pixel

If we installed other scripts in your checkout for things not listed, it would be your responsibility to have those looked at and updated.

Will Your Store Wizards review the scripts in my checkout for me?
Absolutely! Simply contact us at, and we’ll discuss doing a checkout script review. Once the review is complete, we’ll provide you with the details on what’s good and what needs to be updated.  There is a charge for both the review and the updates.

When do I need to do this?
Turbify will begin to notify merchants soon, but the updates do not have to be complete until sometime in early 2025. However, we recommend putting this on your to-do list once Turbify officially notifies merchants, and having it completed by the end of this year.

What happens if I don’t update the scripts?
Simply put – you may fail a PCI-compliance audit.

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