Being the “new kid on the block” can be daunting, especially with so many competitors out there today. Not all eCommerce businesses thrive. Actually, most end up closing shop when they don’t know what exactly to do and are not guided properly. But you’re in luck because now you can find out which strategies to […]
We’ve all seen it happen. Heck, you’ve probably been there and done that— tons of money lost because of wrong decisions, trying to scrimp on important business investments, and a whole lot of mistakes. It’s okay, though, because we always say it’s part of the learning process and the growth of entrepreneurs and businesses. However, […]
If you haven’t already upgraded your eCommerce store to https:, now is the time – but turning on SSL is not what’s important, making sure that the SSL is working properly is most important. In order for a website to be secure, all content must be able to be displayed via SSL. We’ve seen a […]
Impressing your ecommerce site visitors is one thing. But making them stay, enjoy the experience of online shopping on your site, and actually buy something is another thing altogether. And the latter is what matters a whole lot more. Yes, many ecommerce sites are able to display high resolution, professional-looking images of their products. But […]
It’s important to remember that just because your website doesn’t rank well, there is most likely no magical “programming” fix that will make your website rank on Google. Most eCommerce platforms such as Yahoo, Shopify, Big Commerce, 3dcart and others do have all of the SEO basics built in. Ranking well on Google, Bing or […]
One of the frequent challenges that business owners and managers often encounter is dealing with employees that are unable to meet expectations. Whether you’re running a traditional business, an online business, or both, you’re bound to experience this concern. Simply firing and replacing poorly performing employees is not the answer, especially if you always have […]
Everyone in the e-commerce world knows how important it is to build trust and forge relationships with customers. With the growing competition today, being able to increase your credibility in your particular industry will certainly give you an edge. Google, the leading search engine for many years now, understands this. For six years, they ran […]
Times are changing. You’ve probably already seen so many developments in the world of eCommerce, and how much this arena has prospered the past few years. This 2018, there are plenty of trends that are expected to take place and take charge of online retailing. If you want to have an edge over others, it’s […]
So many times, a lot of people have declared blogging a thing of the past. Its death has been predicted and even confirmed over and over again. And yet it’s still here, actually thriving, but just in a different form. If you’re in eCommerce, or any business for that matter, you’ll see just how important […]
It’s amazing how so many new entrepreneurs are popping up all over the place, and new entrepreneurs means more competition. It’s one of the reasons why you have to keep growing and innovating your business. Opportunities abound everywhere, and you’re probably one of those people who grabbed one or more and plunged right into the […]